None of us would like to prematurely lose the thickness of our hair and deal with the problem of baldness. Therefore, it is worth thinking much earlier about the effective prevention of hair loss with platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
So there is nothing else to do but sign up for a safe treatment and take care of the future condition of your hairstyle.
Treatment of hair diseases with
PRP-Tubes - what is it?
Platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of hair diseases is an innovative method that prevents excessive
hair loss and baldness. The treatment involves the use of the patient's blood plasma, which is rich in valuable active ingredients that stimulate regeneration and comprehensive biostimulation of the scalp.
Particularly noteworthy are growth factors that stimulate the work of hair bulbs, reducing the amount of hair loss, and stimulating the growth of new hair at the treatment site.
An additional advantage of the
treatment with platelet-rich plasma for the scalp is obtaining the preparation from the patient's own blood, thanks to which it does not cause inflammatory and allergic reactions after subcutaneous administration, which could further worsen the condition of the hair.
Regeneration of hair follicles with platelet-rich plasma is performed by an experienced dermatologist and takes place in two stages.At the beginning, venous blood is collected from the patient, from which the preparation is made.
Platelet-rich plasma with valuable ingredients is isolated in a special, certified centrifuge, which separates the individual blood components and removes excess fluid and dead cells.
The prepared
platelet-rich plasma (PRP) preparation is administered subcutaneously to the place affected by the problem of excessive hair loss using the needle mesotherapy method.
To obtain satisfactory results, it is recommended to perform a series of 3 to 5 treatments at intervals of 4-6 weeks.Strengths of the treatmentSafety - the platelet-rich plasma preparation used during the treatment is obtained from the patient's blood, which makes it specific for the body.
Painless - the procedure is performed under local anesthesia and with the use of thin needles, which reduces the discomfort associated with it.Speed - depending on the area of the scalp to be treated, the treatment lasts from 30 to 60 minutes.
No convalescence - the next day after the surgery, the patient can return to his daily activities.
Platelet-rich plasma treatments for the scalp are recommended for people who struggle with:excessive hair loss,hair thinning,bends,alopecia areata,androgenetic alopecia.
ContraindicationsContraindications to the
treatment of scalp diseases with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) are:pregnancy,lactation period,taking medications to thin the blood,problems with blood clotting.
Treatment areaThe problem of excessive hair loss may appear on various parts of the scalp, which is why the
platelet-rich plasma treatment for alopecia is performed both on the top of the head and above the forehead, as well as in the temporal and occipital areas.
Do you have to repeat the treatment?
The success of the
treatment of the scalp with platelet-rich plasma is influenced by the administration of the preparation itself, as well as the diet and proper care of the hair and scalp.
However, in order to obtain satisfactory results of the therapy, the treatment should be performed in about 3-5 series at intervals of 4-6 weeks. The dermatologist will decide on the final number of treatments after observing the progress in
treating excessive hair loss .For whom?
The problem of excessive hair loss or baldness can appear in both men and women of all ages.
Therefore, the
platelet-rich plasma treatment for hair can be performed on anyone who struggles with the problem of excessive and rapid hair loss.
The results of the scalp regeneration treatment can be seen about 3-6 months after the series of treatments. Platelet-rich plasma gradually inhibits the process of excessive hair loss and stimulates new hair growth.What are the benefits of
treating scalp diseases with platelet-rich plasma?
you stop worrying about intense hair loss and enjoy the gradual thickening of your hair,you can give up the use of expensive and ineffective hair growth preparations,improving the condition of the hair affects the well-being,the treatment is safe - the used
platelet-rich plasma for hair is obtained from your blood, thanks to which it does not cause additional irritation of the scalp,the treatment lasts only 30-60 minutes and does not require convalescence, so you can quickly return to your daily activities and duties,You will notice the first effects of the treatment about 3-6 months after the series of
treatments with platelet-rich plasma for scalp diseases .
What is PRP injection? PRP injection
refersto the delivery of PRP
(or platelet-rich
plasma) into the body
by injection.
PRP is a natural way to stimulate the body
to heal. It has a local effect,
which means it
needs to be
introduced. Themain ingredient that makes PRP so effective
is platelets.
Plateletshave many important
functions in your body.
In particular, they
stimulatethe growth of new cells
by killing and destroying old
cells.body. With PRP, we can monitorand accelerate the healing process
of the
body andmake you st
and up again.
What is platelet-richplasma?
Asthe name implies,
high platelet plasma is
the volume of plasma with a high
platelet concentration.To
perform PRP, we
onlytake a small amount of blood from a vein in
the arm.
We centrifuge
d from there toseparate each component
, the machine
extracts platelets and some plasma
, and thenrepeats the
process. Until the platelet concentration reaches the
desiredlevel. This may vary from treatment to treatment.
Theentire production process takes about 15 minutes.
Is PRP safe?
PRP treatment
canbesaid tobe the safest form of intervention.
First, PRP is autologous,
which means it comes from your own body.
No donor
materialsare needed, andthereare no risks associated with
obtaining a blood
supply.Second, when
comparing PRP
withsurgery, the
resultsusuallyindicate that
PRP is beneficial. Of course, PRP cannot
be cured in some cases, such
as:B. The ligament
isseverely torn andrequires surgery.
However, for
smallerproblems, PRP
shortensthe recovery time without
surgical complications.
Mostimportantly,this isanexcellent chronic pain
reliever. Opioids and other
painkillers can have
catastrophic side effects.
On the other hand,
PRP iscompletely natural and
can encourage your body to
recover from th
e insideout. History
PRP has been
used for
morethan 50 years
and was first used to help patients recover from open
heart surgery.
However,once its repair characteristics become clear, itwill quickly spread to other areas.
In the
1980s and
1990s, PRP
evolved into sports medicine.
Manyprofessional athletes receive PRP
therapy to
help them recover from injuries
faster. In the
past decade,
therehave beenmany FDA-approved PRP treatments.
Many of these are cosmetic treatments
thatuse PRP as an anti-aging agent.
It has been used
for everything from burns to ulcers and ankle
sprains. Whatdiseasesdoes PRP
treat? Although we mentioned
various PRP
procedures,onB3, we
arededicatedto stimulating functional movement and tissue
PRP plays
animportant role in our injection protocol.
It provides an alternative to surgical
methods and leads to longer
lasting results.Whether you
sprainedyour ankle
while playing basketball or
suffered a
severeblow toyour knee, PRP
injections can
do wonders for your joints and ligaments.
Inparticular,itis knownthat it takes time forjoints to heal.
Usually, less blood
flowsinto the
corners and
gaps of
the joints, which slows
the rate of healing. By injecting PRP into the joint, we can promote the healing of
a single ligament and generally improve the range of motion and comfort of the entire joint. Muscle
damage. If you
havepartially or even complete
ly torn the muscle, PRP
treatment can
shorten the recovery time and even
strengthenthe muscle fibers
after the
wound hashealed.If youareinjuredwhile lifting weights or are
overstretchedduringexercise,PRP can greatly improve yourperformance.
Become the first line of defense against all types
of arthritis. Osteoarthritis, the most common form,
isstilldifficult to treat.
Currently, there is no cure for arthritis, and most treatments
treat thesymptoms rather thanthe root cause. PRPcan change
this. Rheumatoid arthritis is another area of
researchtoday. Preliminary studies have shown that PRP can actually
reverse or
reverse the degenerative damage
caused by arthritis.
Because PRP
can trigger the production of new cells.
Your body will replace aging cells with new
cells, literally restoring the area to a better
state. Although consistent treatment for arthritis
is recommended, the patient
improves with each
course oftreatment. It is difficult to treat due to the nature
of its insufficient blood vessels. This means they
don'thavea lot of blood.
The typical advice is
just torelax, but for some
people,this is
not an option.
Through PRP injection, we can get close
to the body
and make itdirectly heal the tendon.
Thousands of athletes of all ages have received treatment for
PRP tendinitis and
haveachieved consistent positive
results. You can
use PRP. You can ask
at any timewhether PRPis suitable for your situation.
Given its a
lmost zero risk